
Artificial intelligence (A.I) - Who? Why it made ? Does it effect on us?

Nowadays everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence AI, AI did this, AI did that, AI is doing this, AI can do this, what can't it do, so whatever and that. After that, we will mention in detail how AI has increased in every field of life. Did it affect human life and lifestyle? What effects have it had and are studying and what effects have also come due to it and what can happen in the future because every benefit has its disadvantages too, then we will discuss it completely.

Nowadays, everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence AI, AI did this, AI did that, AI is doing this, AI can do this, what can't it do, so whatever and that. After that, we will mention in detail how AI has increased in every field of life. Did it affect human life and lifestyle? What effects have it had and are studying and what effects have also come due to it and what can happen in the future because every benefit has its disadvantages too, then we will discuss it completely. What is AI and what can it do? Is AI not going to be a nightmare that will come and take everything? Will control whether it is not true, know the answers to all questions on this topic.


What is Artificial Intelligence A.I?

First of all, what is AI? Is artificial intelligence the same as we are thinking about something and doing something about it and with some mental ability we find an answer or some solution to it? It is artificial. Means will create by itself. This is the characteristic of a mind: it is a robot that can find its solution and answers by itself, we can call it in the word Artificial Intelligence A.I.

Why was it made and made ?

First, let's talk about why AI was created and what was its purpose, and after that purpose, what are the things it is being used for.
In 1956, John McCarthy introduced AI to the world. Now let's see, AI is very old according to its history, but today we feel that AI has been around for 10 years. That AI has now been announced, AI had already arrived so much earlier
Look at A.I history, the A.I was quite old. We were calling it a computer function. Well, we don't understand it as AI. Is it AI or something else? Now we have to admit because everyone is telling us that it is AI. Let's all refer to this AI as the biggest example is a calculator. You can find out derivatives, you can simply take the solution in no time. If you compare physically, it takes a lot of time, which is very time taking. Besides, there are Excel sheets and then drawings. There are different softwares i.e. Matlab and many softwares, these are available today, they were available even before that, in the 90s, 70s, we can create anything with our own AI. 

Why was A.I invented?

Now let's think about it. Here is why we needed AI. Now I have given the answer in the above paragraph. Let's see that we have to find a solution for everything to save time. Since we can invent something else or make it better because we solve the multiplications and solutions of everything by ourselves, then that time will be taken from which you can use that utilization time in doing something else. If you apply it, then the A.I will make your life easier, so that you can do as much work as possible.

Where is it used?

Now if you look at AI, it has become everywhere. Its simple purposes are to simplify your life. And productivity is increasing your manufacturing and productivity so much, about 30 to 40 years ago that we achieved that goal which we couldn't have done 100 years ago. Those things that we want to build have already been built as soon as possible. 


Now let's see the advantages of A.I are very many. 

Medical Science

The first advantage of it is that before anyone used to make medicine, it was a very time-consuming task to extract its formula and its compound. It used to take around 10 to 20 years and after that it was developed. Medicine which we could have used to avoid the bacterial or viral effect. And if we recall Covid-19 pandamic, then we can take out the vaccination of Covid-19 and we can control the perdamic. 

Engineering Sciences

In engineering, AI has played a very good role such as there are maps in your construction, everything has been made by AI by itself, from which you can use any A.I to seen in every way before it is made, what will be its interference, what will be its in and out, what kind of thing it will see, how it can be, it is the same in mechanical engineering that you can make your car. If there is any manufacturing or any manufacturing of the product, first of all you can see it in the computer, which changes should I make in advance so that when it is manufactured, it does not cause any losses. You can do a speed test. You can do the dynamic test of the thing, you can do every test before manufacture. In electrical engineering, you have a circuit board, inside it there are different wires, diodes and in addition bridges, so where do you use it? By doing this, you can make maximum efficiency and use, which will give you the advantage that you can get maximum output, so AI has given us that now we can do any task, whatever it is. Can operate it with maximum utilization and can get any work done within seconds with ease compared to human power on it.

Banking and Finance

Third is Banking and Finance. If you look at banking and finance, I don't need to introduce it much, I don't need to tell you what are the advantages of AI within banking and finance. If I say, banking and finance this time without A.I nothing can happen because if you are doing transactions in a bank, then the one who can manage this is doing A.I, your banking growth, your marketing, your stocks. All the A.I is making itself and telling the patterns to the companies that it is working and it is not working, due to which it has become easy to do in lookup trading as well. A.I and due to which more and more investors are coming to invest in different companies and as more and more beneficial work since then see most of the stocks are growing because A.I. A.I making props in everything, teaching people how to trade. I would say that without AI in banking and finance, there would be nothing in banking and finance.

Education System

Now, we know A.I is helping students in education. Now AI is doing the most interesting work in the life of students. In the form of different softwares, it has made it so easy for you that you can create anything, use computer softwares and any solution mathematically as difficult as you want, derivative or integration. How everything is changed, can easily take it out through computers, it is saving your time that you are compared to others in this thing, that what you understood is that it will be multiplication under just one click. By using and investing your time in other activities, you can spend more time on education purposes and also participate in physical activities. In education purposes which have taught you a lot and through which you are learning a lot.


Anything, be it AI or any good thing, it will have advantages and disadvantages as well. A.I is impacting human lifes which we must avoid and some of them cannot avoid, which will happen.

Medicine Science

First, as I mentioned that AI has now played a significant role in medicine, due to which more operations are now being done through A.I robots, through which medicine is also being made by AI. If you look at the disadvantages, what happened is that the people who were already there who were working long hours have been replaced by AI, making them jobless. Now a medical student is a student after studying so much he became a medical student and A.I has eaten his job due to which he has become unemployed and because of this he cannot do anything and A.I. They have done a good job in their place and people are forced. I'm not saying it. Everyone is saying that people are forced to use A.I because there is a huge difference between manpower and AI power. A.I is a computer neither it can get tired nor it can make mistakes because of which we see that the best example is that a hospital has opened in China which has 14 A.I robot doctors and none of any human doctors there. Only the staff will be there and they will treat  10,000 patients they will be treated which will leave no doctor vacancy for human doctors and they are now jobless due to A.I.

Engineering Sciences

Second, AI has also started eating the jobs of engineers, which is why before you build any house, you used to go to a construction worker or go to a contractor. You used to make a map, after which you were able to design the house, now what is happening is that the same work is made by A.I at home, in which you just enter a prompt. In prompt, has a plot and I want to design it in this way, he provides a design of all of them with movies with pictures, due to which his job is over now. There is no time to pay someone and go and make your own map of the house. After that, he should go to the constructor and show it to him. Then he should start the job. It has happened in mechanical engineering as well, like earlier specific engineers were kept for testing who used to test any product to see if it is accurate or not. For machine sensors to check anything you enter the computer in it, the computer automatically detects any error and throws it out so no engineering is needed there and it Also, A.I has done the job of many engineers in such a way that it used to be that any electrical engineer before starting work would manually draw up a circuit drawing that would be designed in this way. Now what happened to its construction? Or there is no requirement to work on paper, it will automatically create the design for you, just take a print out.

Banking and Finance

In banking and Finance, the clerk job is terrible specifically, who used to tally out everything in the evening plus or minus amounts by different transactions to their managers and provides them, but now A.I has played such a role that you do not need any job to calculate everything separately and tell you that A.I calculates at the same time and provides you with the result when you want, you can test it out at any time you want and check the result and it is absolutely accurate and it is also the case in finance that earlier it used to be in stock guideners that he used to check the stock, he used to check how the stock was doing. There were specific people who would visit any of your markets and tell him that his stock is good. Now what A.I has done is that it is providing the stock of everything sitting down and because of which its vacancies have also disappeared and what it has done is to give the work of stock to people sitting at home. But what used to happen earlier was that people were specifically sitting in their offices where they used to go and provide money to them and were investing money in stocks.

Education System

Now, I think the biggest disadvantage of A.I in education is that now in the education system it has happened that you take a mobile phone and give it any solution as long as you want. The education system does not understand anything, they understand it at this time, including the cheats in the exam, because of this reason, tests are being conducted in many countries and there are internet jumpers installed to interrupt the signal because A.I cannot be used there, A.I has become so dangerous that you are cheating with it and all paper solutions are also provider by A.I. You can upload the paper on it, it will provide you with the solution of the entire paper. They want to make their work easier by cheating. Earlier, if any question was made out of syllabus or something was made in such a way that people understood the concept, those who did not would do it. Now, what does AI do? Any question, they will break down on it. The cases have increased greatly as compared to last decades.


Now let's talk about what I think about A.I. See A.I has its uses. Advantages depend on how you use it. I think many things have become easier because of A.I. It's easy to search anything, it's easy to find anything that you can work with, but you shouldn't use it for A.I disadvantages, just write a prompt. Upload it on any of your blocks or someone is working on YouTube by creating a video copyright and you say that I will earn. Props were not made to be misused. Some people say A.I is it now that they were in a movie like Terminated. It came out in the 90's so people do it a lot with this concept of A.I. There will be robots, they will revolutionize you, because of which the human power will be inside them. A.I program and what report is its mechanical think program that runs it so if you make A.I good which is made for mankind then A.I robot can't harm you and advise voice reads. That is, if something happens, then he will react

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